Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Complete Hope, Solidarity and Defiance Conference

I assembled and moderated a panel called "DePaul Activism: Before and After Graduation" at the "Hope, Solidarity and Defiance" Conference organized by the DePaul University Latino Studies Department. Here are the links to the video of the panel, a report of the panel written by Raechel Tiffe and an article I wrote based on the expereinces of the panel participants for the magazine Dialogo, a publication of the DePaul Univeristy Latino Studies Department.

DePaul Activism: Before and After Graduation

Raechel's Report Back

Highlights of Anti-Racist Struggle At DePaul

Friday, July 18, 2008

Highlights of Anti-Racist Struggle at DePaul University

These scanned images are from Dialogo, the journal of the Center for Latino Research at DePaul University. I encourage you to click on them, it will enlarge the images so they become readable.

Intense Debate Comments