Tuesday, December 14, 1999

'Tidings': Brings Good Ratings Christmas Concert Stirs Crowd

This article was published by my high school's newspaper, Crossroads. December 14, 1999.

Friday, November 12, 1999

Bowling Club Strikes Students

This article was published in my high school's newspaper, Crossroads, November 12, 1999.

Puff Daddy - Forever?

This was an album review I wrote for my high school newspaper, Crossroads on October 1, 1999.

There were some who disagreed with my review. I remember when this letter to the editor came in, Crossroads staff members were talking about it like I would be upset or something, and I was just like, well, they are allowed their opinion and the purpose of the letters page is to print readers opinions. Printed Nov 12, 1999.

Friday, October 29, 1999

Tips Offer Advice for Personal Recordings

This article was published in the October 29 1999 issue of Crossroads, my high school's newspaper.

Thursday, July 1, 1999

Graffitti Cameo in Transmetropolitan # 23

Transmetropolitan was a cool DC comic series written by Warren Ellis and penciled by Darick Robertson. The series followed Spider Jerusalem, s Hunter S. Thompson-esque journalist, in a bizarre future world. Jerusalem would do weird drugs and expose political corruption. The series has become a bit of a classic, with the trade paperbacks continually in print.

During the series run, both Ellis and Robertson were active in the online message boards for the comic. Robertson would often work online screen names into the comic as street graffitti tags. In almost every issue, "Free Steve Chung" was written in on a sidewalk. Steve Chung wrote so many letters to the creators, that they figured he must be chained up somewhere writing these letters.

At the time, I used an e-mail address for a band I liked, Filter, and would close e-mails with a qoute from one of the bands songs, "Hey Man Nice Shot." In issue #23, Robertson worked my screenname into the comic. Very cool.

transmet cover





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